5 W.A.S.P. ballads (Or: In case you were feeling too happy lately)
I'm in a very emotional state lately, can you tell? It's all about ballads these days, unfortunately I just couldn't find the right thing to listen to...Until last night, that is. Bored of my music collection I turned on the radio just at the right moment, as W.A.S.P.'s "Sleeping in the Fire" came on. Not a note off the previous song, not a note missed from the intro! Perfection~
I don't know how many times YOU have thought of that, but Blackie Lawless, somehow, has the perfect voice for power ballads. Is it the harshness, the raspyness? The fact is, that if there is anyone in the metal scene better at ballads, they're going to have a hard time against Blackie, as his voice never fails to carry all the pain and emotion needed to trully make you feel it.
So, if you are feeling emotionally constipated lately and would like something hard enough yet emotional enough to unclog your heart and pour it all out, I got you covered: Here are the 5 best W.A.S.P. ballads to make your lonely night a little bit less cold...
1. The Idol (The Crimson Idol, 1992)
The Crimson Idol is a goldmine for hard-hitting and uncomfortably easy-to-relate emotions. "Being crazy in paradise is easy", in the words of Blackie/Jonathan. So kiss away the pain and hold on to your heart, this is not going to get any easier from now on...
2. Hold On To My Heart (The Crimson Idol, 1992)
Another one from the same album. Emotional overdose, as it comes right after The Idol in the album. And where The Idol was a tad more sad, more resigned, with Hold On To My Heart you dare, for a moment, to dream of a glimmer of hope that might be there...
3. Sleeping in the Fire (W.A.S.P., 1984)
Taken off their self-titled debut album, it hooks you instantly the first time you hear it. Perhaps it's the early-days purity, where it was all fresh, inspired, and effortless. Whatever the case, it is as powerful today as it was 34 years ago. Somehow, the acoustic version seems even more direct...
4. Miss You (Golgotha, 2015)
Disclaimer: this song is so raw and powerful it will not only leave you in tears and terrible heartache, it might reduce you on a sobbing ball on the floor and leave you incapable of functioning properly. Just go get tissues already.
5. Heaven's Hung In Black (Dominator, 2007)
A song that makes you feel the weariness and despair. Despite coming from an album that is commenting on the american foreign policies of the time, it is easy to relate with it on a personal level.
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